All That’s Updated:

Event Information

Updated June 15, 2024:

Thanks for a fantastic event!

Look What We Did! Wow!

Lori and a representative from CancerFree KIDS

$37,500 went to CancerFree KIDS

The AMAZING raffles at #RAGT24 raised $37,500 for CancerFree KIDS! Massive thanks to everyone who contributed a basket and all the wonderful people who bought tickets for them. Big hugs to you all!

Lori and a representative from the Animal Adoption Foundation.

$1,500 went to the Animal Adoption Foundation, a local no-kill animal shelter.

Awesome readers generously contributed, and I rounded up, so we were able to donate $1,500 to the Animal Adoption Foundation! The Animal Adoption Foundation already received the advance for my benefit books, and sales will grow as proceeds for digital copies of all my benefit books also go to them.

How did it go?

Thank you to all! The 2024 Reader & Author Get Together was a huge success!

I didn’t have a new benefit book this year, but you can continue to support the cause by buying past benefit books. My next benefit book, The Two Of Us, will release in March 2025. All advance and all proceeds from the sales will go to the Animal Adoption Foundation.

Thanks to these #RAGT24 sponsors:


Here are some of the Benefit Books from Previous RAGTs:

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